The effects of ancient Tai Chi and Qigong practices on human health – scientific studies

The aim of the research is to apply the latest computer, electronic, photonic, bioinformatics, nanotechnology, functional brain imaging, etc., to analyse how Tai Chi and Qigong practices benefit body and mind functions and how these practices are related to acupuncture and manipulative therapies. In addition, Dr.Lin demonstrates special Tai Chi and Qigong routines found to be particularly beneficial in research, the link. In the first part of the video, Prof. Lin explains that stress (also caused by coffee or smoking abuse..) inhibits the flow of Chi, then goes on to talk about laboratory experiments on cultures of cancer cells exposed to externally produced Chi by high-level meditation masters.
The cells exposed to Chi showed a reduction in the speed of reproduction and then a normalisation of the rhythm leading to the production of healthy cells.

Experiment conducted by Shin Lin, Ph.D. Professor of Cell Biology, Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Director of the International Alliance on Mind/Body Signaling and Energy Research at 4230 McGaugh Hall, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697-2300 USA

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