Medicine, psychology and quantum physics: a new approach to treatment

Medicine, Psychology and Quantum Physics: the crisis of certainties and the humanization of care”. This is the title of the Congress promoted by AIREMP, Italian Association of Research on Entanglement in Medicine and Psychology, held in Bologna on 19 and 20 November, which saw 370 participants including doctors, psychologists, biologists and physicists. The meeting highlighted the new perspectives of care and health promotion that open up with the paradigm shift that is taking place in Biology, Medicine and Psychology.

In fact, if physics with the discovery of quantum entanglement for decades has shown that at the subatomic level there is an interconnection and interdependence of energy fields, only recently Biology, Medicine and Psychology have begun to integrate this scientific paradigm into a new vision of health and care, creating a new field of research and clinical application called Quantum Psychoneuroendocrine Immunology (PNEI Q), which also integrates broad research areas of Neuroscience.

The event, with a multidisciplinary approach, was attended by personalities from the scientific world including Emilio del Giudice, Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Physics, Luigi Giuliani of the Ministry of Health, S. Khandro, nun of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Carlo Ventura of the University of Bologna, the President of AIREMP Prof. G. Genovesi of the Sapienza University of Rome, the Vice President Gioacchino Pagliaro Director of Hospital Psychology of the AUSL of Bologna. “Mind, meditation and energy exchange in care”, “Stress and the onset of diseases”, “Neurophysiology of meditative states” and “Possible new interpretations of cell transport mechanisms” are some of the topics at the center of the two days in Bologna that focused on quantum processes that can have important repercussions on the immune, nervous and endocrine systems, influencing the state of health and disease.

Source: Sanità news 21.11.2011

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