Between West and East: EnneaMediCina

NUMBERS – In antiquity, in the West, numbers did not only have a quantitative significance. They contained a secret code for interpreting the universe and its laws, and Pythagoras of Samos, the great philosopher and mathematical genius who lived in 6th century B.C. Greece, was one of its most illustrious and expert connoisseurs.

According to Pythagoras, everything was number and to each number corresponded a symbol, a sound, letters of the alphabet, planets. Numbers determined rhythm, that which gave movement and allowed the universe and matter to exist in an orderly manner.

All the constituent parts of the world were characterised by a numerical concatenation that governed its relationship with everything around it, thus fully expressing the holistic approach, typical of antiquity, where Spirit and Matter were unified in Being, ‘the essence of things’.

Even for the ancient Chinese culture, there was no division between macrocosm and microcosm; everything spoke a metaphorical language, where the correlation between phenomena happening to humans was but one aspect of what was happening, in a big way, in the surrounding environment.

Their attitude towards numbers was one of extreme respect as they symbolised everyday life with a whole set of representations. Numbers possessed a high descriptive force, or showed a hierarchical order and told of the intimate concordance between man and his environment.

Ancient and new sciences show how the completeness of the cosmos can be traced back to a mathematical allegory, which makes manifest the harmony of every living system; All perfection in nature, from snowflakes to the genetic code, from the arrangement of plant foliage to the fractal nature of the human liver, is linked to precise numerical sequences.

And it is precisely by studying and comparing the symbols of the two cultures that a new model, a new way of understanding Man, comes to life: EnneaMediCina.

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