The Triple Heater in EnneaMediCina.

Edited by Liliana Atz

Each person has his own psycho-physical structure, his own specificity which, in the light ofEnneagram psychology and the laws of Chinese Medicine is the result from the harmonious flow of emotions and feelings.

In Chinese Medicine:

“The impetuousness of Wood tends to become anger. Anger raises the IQ and affects the Liver.

Cheerfulness, which tends to become excitement, lowers IQ and affects the Heart.

Thinking that becomes repetitive, obsessive, “knots” the IQ and affects the Spleen.

The concern affects the Spleen and Lung.

Shrinkage, which tends to become sadness, sadness dissolves, disperses IQ and affects the Lung.

Caution that tends to become fear, fear causes IQ to drop and affects the Kidneys.

Fear (KONG) and dread (JU), linked to the Kidney, immediately destabilize the Heart, it is shock!”(P.Larre)

Where physical or emotional imbalance occurs, therefore, it is the organ and/or viscera connected to the element, the predominant structure characterizing the individual EnneaSimbolic types that are the first to signal disharmony.

This is all referred to in Epigenetics as “psychological wounds related to limiting patterns and beliefs,” or said in other language, as the passions and fixations of the Enneatypes make people move compulsively within a circle of which there is no exit.

According to PNEI, emotions are biochemical facts that result in cascades of molecular messages, which reach the body, including the immune system, establishing a continuous dialogue between the nervous, endocrine and immune systems, determining health or disease.

Recurring physical and/or psychological disorders can therefore help in the identification of one’s psychological typology connected to one of the three centers and, therefore, in the identification of one’s Enneatype and related Passion and Fixation according to the EnneaMediCina model.

If psyche and soma speak a single language, according to the emotional/functional similarities of the three centers of intelligence, one identifies Anger as the emotion – background noise – that characterizes the types located in the instinctive center of the Enneagram.

Anger expressed regarding Enneatype (E.) 8, not felt for E.9 and repressed (not accepted) by E.1.

The latter type in EnneaMediCina connects to the Viscere Triple Hearth.

It is considered one of the six Viscera of the M.T.C. that has no form and location of its own.

In Western Medicine it can be summarized as the functioning mechanism of the lymphatic and hormonal immune systems.

The Triple Hearth is divided into three parts:

– the Upper Hearth with the functions of respiration and circulation is represented by the Lung and Heart;

– the Middle Foculum with the Stomach, Spleen, Liver and Biliary Bladder is in charge of digestive and processing functions.

– Finally, the Lower Focus governs the Kidneys, (for some) the Liver, Intestines, Bladder and sexual organs, deals with absorption, reproduction and evacuation.

Its control is over the deep and peripheral circulation, which also involves the emotional aspect of the individual.

Emotions affect the diffusion of Qì (energy) in the organs/viscera which, through the Meridians/Channels is channeled throughout the body by the Triple Heater.

Qì circulation in the Meridians influences the psychological processes of extroversion/introversion, thus affecting both emotional and physical balance.

It is clear from the above that the importance of the “operation” of E. 1 which in EnneaMediCina encapsulates the “nourishment” of the other types.

Symbolizing the movement of energy in the body and thus the flow of each new cycle allowed or interrupted by E. 9 (Liver), E.1. rhythms its movement, its evolution and its blockages. Good functionality of this Viscera allows one to open up and connect to the consciousness of one’s inner reality as well as self with the rest of the world.

People with T.R. imbalance tend, in fact, to be very cautious and tend to be alert to possible external threats. This is reflected in their muscular and postural rigidity and extreme caution in relationships, masked by an apparent sociability.

This type depending on the most activated Foci(s) can manifest with imbalances both physically and mentally, such as osteoarticular pain, manic behavior, anxiety, depression, irritability, mental agitation…. .

There is a strong connection between the R.T. and the Kidney, but I will discuss this in another article.

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