Tai Chi and Qigong, the pairing for iron health

A large systematic review of 77 randomized, controlled trials published between 1993 and 2007, involving nearly 6,500 people, suggests that the practice of Tai Chi and QiGong is healthy for physical and mental well-being.The study, published in the July/August 2010 issue of the “American Journal of Health Promotion”, was conducted by researchers at the Arizona State University College of Nursing and Healthcare Innovation (USA). Scientists believe that the acquired material provides a solid basis of evidence that the practice of Tai Chi and QiGong offers benefits for bone health, cardiovascular and respiratory systems; improves physical function and balance; prevents falls and offers psychological benefits by improving the quality of life in general.Dr. Linda Larkey and colleagues are convinced that having to choose a “fitness” practice that includes moderate physical exercises, therefore also suitable for the elderly, priority should be given to this kind of techniques that offer benefits across the board and not only on a physical level.
These techniques, especially Tai Chi, is based on a series of basic movements ranging from 24 to 108. Both are also based on the concept of vital energy, held in high regard by oriental disciplines.
The research studies under review show that simplified routines that are more practical for these studies are actually very effective in the field of health promotion, one expert points out. In this way, people who want to take advantage of these practices using only the simplest exercises, without deepening the artistic or cultural purposes, can do so knowing that they will still benefit from them, adds the expert

In 27 studies, psychological symptoms were considered, in 23 falls and related risk factors, in 19 cardio-pulmonary effects and in 17 the quality of life assessed. Other studies have included bone density, physical function and immune function. The average age of the participants was 55 years. For studies involving balance, 80 was the average age.
In conclusion, the authors believe they have found evidence that with this type of exercise you can derive significant benefits and improve the quality of life.

Source: LaStampa.it


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