Health and lifestyles

We talked about health through the learning of correct “lifestyles”, at the Euregio conference held at the Hotel Terme in Merano on 25 c.m..
More physical movement and proper nutrition were the common themes, suggested by the speakers, for the maintenance and / or recovery of health.
In the context of the interventions, the Health Observatory of the Autonomous Province of Trento, in the person of Dr. Pirous, presented the results of several studies that, even at local level, show that the most socially impactful diseases (also for public finances), such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory diseases, have four risk factors in common:

1. Sedentary lifestyle;

2. Poor nutrition;

3. Alcohol consumption;

4. Tobacco smoke.

Since many diseases and premature deaths could be prevented through healthier lifestyles – it has been said – a comprehensive strategy must be promoted, in all areas, both political and social, involving schools and the younger generations in the change of course.
In a complex period like the current one, “health promotion” becomes, therefore, one of the major challenges for institutional leaders.

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