EnneaMediCine: What is PNEI

Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI) is the science that investigates the relationships between the psyche, the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system.
“What causes a person to respond to a given event in a way that, over time, will lead them to suffer from certain problems, both psychological and physical, while another person will receive the same stimuli without experiencing the same consequences” – I asked myself?
Psychology has long explained how different reactions are the result of specific genotypic traits in interaction with phenotypic traits.
Also for Chinese Medicine, Man is the result of the mixing of a ‘something’ that, although not defined as genetic, includes the energy of the parents at the moment of conception of the new being, but not only, as also the energo-astral movements, as well as the situation in which the union takes place: whether in time of peace rather than war, between people in love, rather than following an act of violence, etc., originates unique and unrepeatable subjects.
This starting substrate, in interaction with the family and social environment, gives rise to what is called ‘personality’.
Every individual is, in fact, the result of subtle nervous, endocrine and hormonal work, as is also confirmed by psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI), the science that investigates the relationships between the psyche, the nervous system, the endocrine system and the immune system
The endocrine system or hormonal system consists of a collection of glands and cells, which secrete substances called hormones.
This system is designed to precisely meet the needs of the organism, administering its functioning in conjunction with the nervous system.
All glands are connected to the pituitary gland, through which the release of hormones into the bloodstream modulates their functioning.

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