Ancient medicines for a new well-being

The mid-1980s and early 1990s saw my first encounters with the two major strands on which EnneaMediCina is based.
A great curiosity of mine, driven by an existential malaise that sought answers, guided me along a path that now finds increasing confirmation in neuroscience studies and cutting-edge theories of the functioning of the human psyche-soma.

The Enneagram and Chinese Medicine speak different languages, and it could not be otherwise, since one belongs to Western culture, while the other finds its foundation in ancient Chinese medical-philosophical culture.

“But, if the whole has a common matrix,” I told myself, “all that remains is to find the common thread”.

This conviction and years of study, reflection and connections between the various parts have resulted in the ‘summa’ of EnneaMedicina, in the common message that body, soul and spirit have always contained for people of all latitudes.

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