Menopausal disorders, treating them with Tai Chi

Women entering the menopausal phase go through a hormonal change that often transforms their moods and radically alters their lifestyles. However, menopausal complaints can be alleviated, for example by practising Tai Chi.

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese martial art that resembles gentle gymnastics, with movements performed slowly to strengthen the muscles, calm the spirit and also rebalance the body. There are two ways to eliminate hot flushes, the imbalance of the sleep/wake cycle and night sweats. One is that of chemistry: taking drugs and supplements that restore normality.

The other is precisely the one we have proposed to you: change your lifestyle. A somewhat outdated but still valid study (Relation of demographic and lifestyle factors to symptoms in a multiracial/ethnic population of women 40-55 years of age; E. B. Gold et al., Am J Epidemiol, vol.152, no. 5, 2000) showed that Chinese and Japanese women who regularly practise Tai Chi suffer much less than Western women from incontinence and urinary leakage and from flushing and sweating.

Another research conducted by the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center suggests that the combination of Tai Chi and Green Tea could help reduce the risk of osteoporosis in menopausal women. The survey was conducted on a sample of 170 women with an average age of 57 years and lasted about six months.

Approximately 5 million people in Italy are affected by osteoporosis and 80% of them are women. It is now possible to establish a direct correlation between the practice of this Chinese discipline and a decrease in menopausal complaints.

It is, of course, recommended to practise this sport regularly and consistently to reinforce its benefits. The women who were least affected by menopausal symptoms among the 170 were those who took green tea and practised tai chi at least three times a week.

What is Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art based on the concept of balance between ying and yang. In fact, it is also a form of ‘preventive medicine’ practised in the East, a kind of gymnastics that can prevent ageing and keep you fit for as long as possible. Tai Chi can also be practised to increase balance and reduce the risk of falling in the elderly.

There are various styles of Tai Chi. The most practised is Yang. The practice of this art relies on the use of certain forms: a concatenation of gestures and movements that are performed very slowly. Paradoxically, it is precisely in the slowness of execution that the beneficial effect of the exercise lies. While performing the movements, you also practise regulating your breathing technique, producing a relaxing effect. Clearing the mind of worries also greatly reduces stress levels.

The benefits of this martial art, as you can see, are many and the ways in which it is practised make it very suitable for women and the elderly. Therefore, don’t miss the opportunity to take a tai chi class as soon as possible: it could help eliminate many menopausal complaints.


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